#31DaysOfStoryWriting — Wrap Up
All post links:
- Week 1 — Indonesia Stories
- Week 2 — Australia Stories
- Week 3 — Estonia Stories
- Week 4 — #Before30
Mentioned things from this one month challenge: (ordered from earliest day)
- Bible Tea K3S KAJ community
- Bored and Brilliant by Manoush Zomorodi
- Endgame Podcast with Dewi ‘Dee’ Lestari
- Andy Zain from Kejora Ventures
- Dicoding Indonesia
- New To Melbourne
- Melbourne International Games Week
- Unite Melbourne 2017
- Animals in Healesville Sanctuary 2018
- Google Melbourne 2018 Cafe Team
- Hobart’s Salamanca Market
- YHA Australia
- Brisbane’s Netherworld
- DQLab Data Science Online Course
- Algoritma Data Science Academy
- University of Tartu Library
- Blizzard of Souls (in Latvian: Dvēseļu putenis)
- The Beauty of Being (Olemise Ilu)
- Greta Thunberg’s story
- Bobo magazine from The Netherlands
- Manifesting Hope meditation
- “Life At The Crossroad with Ivandeva Wing” Podcast
- “Goodbye Things” Book
- Heavy Rain video game
- Indonesia’s 2045 vision
What’s next?
April 2021 will be the month for me to focus progressing on my master’s thesis, as the submission deadline is coming closer. Some challenge topics that pop-up in my mind: DevOps, DataVisualization, Vlogging, and Blockchain. Omg, I need to learn how to prioritize again. See you in the next post!
Day 29 — Wrap Up 1
This post is a continuation of my personal #31DaysOfStoryWriting challenge in March 2021. These last three days (29–31) will be used to recap and review it.
I thought making daily short stories like this will help me to think spontaneously about what comes into my mind, but it’s not that easy, writing for me really need a mood. Somehow it’s like doing journaling, but I share it with the public. That was me, I love storytelling, but lack of writing and structuring skill.
This past couple of months, I joined the course from Siberkreasi about podcasting which turned out that developed multiple creative skills such as public speaking, audio mixing, and storytelling. Meanwhile, I’m currently studying software engineering with a focus on NLP for my master’s thesis, I should learn to prioritize it. So, next month, April 2021, I’ll keep doing the monthly personal challenge, with a theme to #30DaysOfThesisProgress, but I’ll keep it in my private journal instead. Let see